%\baselineskip = 17 pt
#\hfil& #\hfil& #\hfil& \hfil#\hfil& \hfil#\hfil& \hfil#\hfil& \hfil#\hfil& \hfil#\hfil& \hfil#\hfil& \hfil#\hfil& \hfil#%
& \bf{Assets} & \bf{Liabilities} & \cr \cr
{\it ECB} & Advances Made to NCBs & ECB Liabilities \cr \cr
{\it NCBs} & ECB Liabilities	& NCB Liabilities \cr
& \sout{Advances from other NCBs} & \sout{Funds owed to other NCBs} \cr
& Govt Bonds \cr \cr
{\it Banks} & NCB Liabilities	& Deposits \cr
& Govt Bonds	& Funds Owed to NCBs \cr
& Due from other Banks	& Funds Owed to other Banks \cr
& Loans	& Equities Issued \cr \cr
{\it Govt} & Funds Held at NCBs	& Govt Bonds \cr
